Glossary of logistic terms

Certificate of damage

It is a document given by the Port Authorities to the consignee in certifying that he got his goods a damaged state. Certificate of damage can be used as evidence for commencement of action for insecure transportation.

Advice note

The notice, sent by one person to another, about the state of the reciprocity accounts.


The set of property rights that have some material form (circulating assets, basic funds) or immaterial form (the company's image, brand, etc.).

Balance value of the book inventory

The cost of available inventories established by accounting department according to the records

Book inventory

Method of book inventory, which consists of summing stocks at the beginning of the reporting period with the volume of income and subtracting from the sum of the cost. The data obtained should be systematically compared with data inventories.

Barrel; brl., bl., bbl.

Volume unit of liquid and solids (has different meanings depending on the type of a material). U.S.A. oil barrel is 159 liters. For pipeline transportation in the U.S.A. freight rates are charged, usually for one barrel.

Astray freight

Cargo, ownership of which can be set by the marking, but that has no shipping documents.

Block insurance 

Small-lot cargo’s insurance from several risks simultaneously. One of the main conditions of such insurance is the fact that the declared value of the goods transported in the same vehicle shall not exceed the set value.

Barrel; brl., bl., bbl., barrel buoy

Rigid closed cargo container, made of wood, metal, plastic, etc. Barrel buoy’s corps usually has a cylindrical or parabolic shape. In barrels various commodity and chemical solids and liquid are transported.


Reservation of all or part of the vessel’s tonnage. B. should made in advance and the shipper is entitled to give an indication of the weight and dimensions of the shipment, but the time frame in which it is obliged to provide accurate data should be prescribed.

Bill of material, B/m, BOM 

List of parts, materials, etc., needed to produce a finished product of this type. Is the constructive and technological document that supplements production’s schedule and is used, for example, for the formalization of the internal applications for material resources.

Certificate of weight.

Duly certified document that  proves the intaken weight.


The amount of cargo that can be loaded into the container.

Temporary storage

- Mandatory requirement for customs clearance. Goods and vehicles from the date of the customs authority and prior to its release or delivery to a person in accordance with the chosen customs regime is under customs control. It has the status of being on the Temporary Storage automatically from the moment and because of their provision to the customs authority. Temporary storage can take place in specially designated and equipped premises, outdoor areas and other places;
- The stage of custom clearance from the moment provision of goods and means of transport to the customs authority to the moment of release or provision to a person according to the chosen customs regime. Temporary storage’s term established by customs authorities on the basis of the time required to file a customs declaration, the origin of goods and means of transport used. Temporary storage’s term is for a period of customs clearance. In case of the failure to enforce or obtain a release of goods under the customs regime when the term of storage is exceeded in the specified time, the goods should be confiscated.

Auxiliary materials, ancillary materials, indirect materials

The materials that make up a relatively small part of the objects of labor used in production and operational needs, but that are not the part of the finished product. It can be attributed to the oncosts.


The loss of monetary unit, legal force, solvency, etc. by laceration, perforation, overlay spec. stamp or otherwise.

Consigne; receiver

Person empowered to take the goods delivered by the carrier.


A certain number of requirements, enrolled in serving system.


Systematization of debtor indebtedness, according to payment due day.

Actual value

In insurance - the trade value of the damaged property’s restoration or replacement of lost property because of its deterioration.


For a ship’s standing in excess, the ship-owner should be reimbursed with the cost of its maintenance during the stay.


A sum of money, which the employee gets in cash for a specific purposes.

Adjustment of average

In marine insurance: the distribution of losses according to the general average. For a adjustment of average’s creation a written statement of the insurer or other interested party with the documents confirming the amount of damages and costs is needed.

Actovity-based costing

Accounting technique, according to which overhead costs don’t refer to every product, but only to those products in relation to which such expenses were incurred.


The distance between the bottom unit of the vehicle and the road.

Natural loss of goods

Shortage of goods’ mass and inventory arising during the transportation and storage due to their intrinsic nature (shrinkage, outage, etc.). In this case, the carrier is not responsible for the loss. 


A offer form a buyer to a seller (manufacturer) to supply (make) a specific product or service, with timeframe for the fulfillment (delivery), with indication of quantity, quality, shape and sum of the payment. If the order is accepted, the document is formalized, a copy of which (accept) is sent to the customer. In some cases, the order is considered accepted if in time the seller (manufacturer) does not indicate failure or claims (acceptance in the form of silence).

Bonded warehouse 

Warehouse, where goods is stored, in which the local authorities have a security interest in providing tax and other payments.

Closed loop logistics system

Logistic system with relatively stable economic relations, for example, metallurgical plant, with the stable clientele.

Accomodation stocks

Goods that are in the stock of the consumer but remain the property of the supplier. The consumer is actually a custodian of goods and has responsibility for goods’ safety before he paid for it.

Arrival notice

Message in the standard EANKOM, sent by the carrier via electronic communication channels to notify the parties.

Advice of arrival

A document sent by the carrier to the consignee as a confirmation that the goods is delivered to their destination. A receipt for the goods - the beneficiary's receipt that evidence that  goods was delivered to him.

Loading Cable

The document, sent by the consignor to the consignee in evidence that he ordered the products have been shipped.


The importation of goods, technology, services, capital (in the form of loans) of foreign origin directly from the country of the producer or from the intermediary country for sale on the domestic market as well as for transit to third countries. There are visible I. (import of wealth) and invisible I. (transport costs of imported goods, passengers, tourism, insurance, services, and money transfers, legal and natural persons abroad).

International Commercial Terms, INCOTERMS

Collection of international trade terms, published by the International Chamber of commerce. The dictionary contains the terms about the basis of supply conditions, the transport process, formalization of deliveries, etc.


The nomenclature and the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of products of this type and set in technical standards.

Backward scheduling, back scheduling

Scheduling of production from the due date to the date of commencement of work.


Storage racks with the drive, moving around a vertical axis, consisting of two or more layers.


Notice of receipt for the values, freight, etc. When the carrier has the receipt for the goods from the recipient, the recipient loses the right to bring claims against the carrier for obvious damage that may have occurred during transportation.

Bale, bundle

The load, which is represented by a compressed mass twisted with burlap, tied with rope, metal tape, etc.

BIC code 

Code assigned by the International Bureau of the containerization to the container. Kk VC